419-630-5430 judy@judyguessphd.com
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Attachment Styles 101: The Good, the Bad, and the Cuddly

Attachment Styles 101: The Good, the Bad, and the Cuddly

Did you know that our early childhood experiences shape our ability to form and maintain healthy relationships throughout our lives?

From the moment we are born, we yearn for deep connections. Yet, we find ourselves constantly grappling with trust issues, emotional distance, and an overwhelming fear of being left behind and abandoned.

Understanding attachment is crucial for our health and relationships. It provides insight into how our early experiences shape our ability to form and maintain connections. It helps us recognize patterns, navigate emotional challenges, and develop healthier relationship dynamics, ultimately contributing to our overall well-being and fulfillment in life.

Let’s take a look at the attachment styles …

Understanding Attachment Styles

Attachment Styles
Attachment Styles

Anxious attachment and avoidant attachment are two key components of attachment styles. Both anxiety and avoidance stem from early attachment experiences and can significantly impact relationships.

Origins of Attachment Styles

Attachment styles are deeply influenced by our early childhood experiences and the way we were cared for by our parents or caregivers. These experiences shape the way we interact with others and form emotional bonds, ultimately determining our attachment style.

If we were fortunate enough to receive consistent care, nurturing, and responsiveness as children, we are more likely to develop a secure attachment style that allows us to form healthy and trusting relationships.

However, if we experienced inconsistent or neglectful caregiving, it can lead to the development of insecure attachment styles, such as avoidant, anxious, or disorganized, which may make it more challenging for us to form secure and satisfying relationships in adulthood.

These early experiences lay our foundation for connection, how we relate to others, how we establish trust, and how we manage our emotions in our adult relationships.

Let’s look at the 4 attachment styles below …

Secure Attachment (low avoidance, low anxiety)

Secure attachment is a healthy and balanced attachment style characterized by individuals feeling comfortable with emotional intimacy, maintaining trust in relationships, and displaying a secure sense of self-worth.

People with secure attachment styles are more likely to communicate openly and honestly. They are also better equipped to handle conflicts and resolve issues in a healthy manner.

Individuals with a secure attachment can make decisions based on their own needs and values, rather than seeking validation or approval from others.

Anxious Attachment (low avoidance, high anxiety)

Anxious attachment is characterized by a strong desire for closeness and a tendency to become overly dependent or clingy in relationships.

Anxious attachment can create a cycle of fearing abandonment, seeking reassurance through sometimes poor behavior, and then being subject to the emotional roller-coaster created by depending on another person’s actions for your self-worth.

Avoidant Attachment (low anxiety, high avoidance)

Avoidant attachment is an attachment style characterized by a tendency to avoid emotional closeness, prioritize independence, and suppress emotions in relationships. This can lead to a sense of emotional distance and detachment from their partners.

Individuals with avoidant attachment may prioritize their own needs and values over the needs of their partner or the relationship. They may struggle to fully commit or invest in a relationship due to the fear of vulnerability and dependence. This behavior creates a pattern of emotional unavailability.

Disorganized Attachment (high anxiety, high avoidance)

Disorganized attachment is characterized by conflicting behaviors and emotions, resulting from traumatic experiences or inconsistent caregiving during early childhood.

Individuals with disorganized attachment styles may struggle with unstable relationships, exhibiting erratic behaviors and difficulty in forming deep emotional connections.

Relationship dynamics are often marked by a push-pull pattern, with individuals craving closeness while simultaneously fearing rejection or abandonment. This can result in a sense of uncertainty and insecurity within the relationship, making it challenging to establish a stable and fulfilling connection.

Recognizing Your Attachment Style

Take this opportunity to do a deep dive and get to know yourself better. Use this link to take the quiz: (You will need to provide an email address to get the results.)

The final verdict from the quiz is not a “end of the game” answer. We can all grow and move closer and closer to the elusive Secure Attachment Style. Attachment styles can manifest differently in each of us depending on dynamics such as the weather, how we feel physically, the current stress in our lives, or even who is in the room with us right now.

For example, someone with a secure attachment style may experience moments of insecurity and clinginess during times of stress or uncertainty. Similarly, individuals with an avoidant attachment style may crave emotional closeness and reassurance when they feel vulnerable. It’s important to remember that attachment styles are not fixed traits but can be influenced by various factors in our lives.

The fact that we can’t avoid is: attachment styles have a huge effect on our relationships. Wherever you are on the attachment style quadrant, the goal is to enhance your connections to others.

Remember, healing attachment wounds takes time and effort. Be patient as you navigate the journey.

Let’s Wrap This Up

Building and nurturing healthy relationships is an essential aspect of our lives. However, our early childhood experiences and attachment styles can significantly impact how we connect with others. Understanding and addressing these attachment styles can pave the way for more fulfilling and satisfying connections.

The following 5 step process is a start to help you recognize and work through attachment wounds.

  1. Assess Your Attachment Style: Make sure you use the link to the quiz above or find another assessment online. It’s kind of fun to take these quizzes and see what they say about us. Link for quiz.
  2. Practice Emotional Awareness: Develop a deeper understanding of your own emotions and how they impact your relationships. Before you know you are going to interact with friends or family, do a checkin with your emotions. During your visit notice any changes to your emotional state. After your visit, check and see if you feel good about the interaction or if you are suffering from an emotional hangover.
  3. Foster Trust and Open Communication: Cultivate trust and effective communication skills in your personal interactions. Remember, not everyone has earned the right to your innermost thoughts and emotions. The key word is “cultivate”. It is important to grow safety and trust over time.
  4. Embrace Vulnerability: Challenge yourself to be vulnerable and open to emotional intimacy in your relationships. With those closest to you, it’s okay to take chances and move closer and closer to the connection you desire.
  5. Seek Professional Support: Consider therapy or counseling to work through attachment-related challenges. As always, I will recommend therapy … I think it’s a worthwhile process for everyone.

Thank you for reading this week’s Attachment Newsletter!

Wishing you a week filled with love, growth, and meaningful connections!

If you do such a thing, you can follow me on Facebook or Instagram using the following links.

What is This Psychological Flexibility Thing All About?

What is This Psychological Flexibility Thing All About?

What is Psychological Flexibility?

Psychological flexibility is the foundation of ACT Therapy (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) and is like doing yoga for your mind. It’s about being able to bend and stretch with life’s twists and turns, even when things get a little uncomfortable. Picture yourself in that super uncomfortable yoga position (anything involving flexibility for me) and holding it there for “just a few more seconds”. You know, when your whole body is shaking and screaming at you to just STOP. But, instead you push forward and each time you get back to that pose, you can hold it a little bit longer and over time you get more and more flexible.

Psychological flexibility means to stay present, open, and engaged – no matter what life throws at you. It’s about acknowledging your thoughts and emotions, but not letting them dictate your every move. Instead, you get to choose your actions based on your values and goals rather than just trying to NOT be uncomfortable.

Embracing Change and Adaptation

Change can be unpredictable, but here’s the beautiful thing – by nurturing psychological flexibility, change loses that negative power. It’s that inner sense, emotion, and knowledge that no matter what comes your way, you will find a way to navigate it. Instead of getting entangled in negative thoughts or feeling overwhelmed by a flood of emotions, you can respond with gentle self-compassion, practical problem-solving skills, and perhaps even a touch of humor.

Life is filled with challenges and setbacks. Adversity can manifest in ways such as difficulties in relationships, obstacles in careers, or health issues. When faced with adversity, psychological flexibility empowers us to respond by fostering resilience and well-being. Instead of getting ensnared in negative thoughts or being overwhelmed by emotions, we can choose to respond with kindness towards ourselves and seeking the support and care we need.

Building Psychological Flexibility

Developing psychological flexibility is a journey that requires practice and self-reflection. Fortunately, there are some strategies that can help cultivate this important skill. By gently and compassionately exploring these strategies, we can nurture our ability to be more psychologically flexible and adapt to life’s challenges with grace and resilience.


Practicing mindfulness is a beautiful way to cultivate kindness and compassion towards ourselves. It gently guides us to stay present and embrace our thoughts and emotions with non-judgmental awareness. Just imagine sitting quietly, observing the thoughts and emotions passing by like clouds in the sky, without getting entangled in their stories. This gentle practice empowers us to respond with grace and flexibility when faced with challenging situations.

For example, when someone says something hurtful, instead of immediately reacting, we can take a moment to mindfully observe our emotions, offer ourselves kindness, and choose a response that aligns with our values and well-being.

Values Clarification

Identifying and clarifying our values allows us to create a guiding compass for our actions. When we encounter challenging choices or decisions, taking a moment to reflect on our values can help us make decisions that truly resonate with our authentic selves and bring us closer to the life outcomes we desire.

For example, let’s imagine you’re at a crossroads in your career and you have to decide between two job opportunities. By reflecting on your values, such as personal growth and work-life balance, you can choose the opportunity that aligns with your authentic self and supports your overall well-being. Embracing this compassionate practice allows us to make choices that honor our values and lead to a more fulfilling life.

Cognitive Defusion

Cognitive defusion techniques can help us gently detach from unhelpful thoughts and beliefs. By understanding that our thoughts are not always accurate representations of reality, we can create space and choose a response that aligns with our values and goals.

For instance, imagine a situation where you receive criticism from a colleague. Instead of immediately believing the negative thoughts that arise, you can compassionately observe them, remind yourself that they are just thoughts, and choose to respond with kindness and understanding towards both yourself and the colleague, fostering a more harmonious and constructive interaction.

Let’s Take Action

Now is the time to take action. Embrace these strategies and incorporate them into your daily life. Practice mindfulness, reflect on your values, and gently detach from unhelpful comments and thoughts. Take action and you can cultivate psychological flexibility and navigate life’s twists and turns.

Take the next step towards cultivating psychological flexibility and enhancing your well-being. Book an appointment with Dr. Guess today and embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth.